Life Lessons for Leaders Podcast
Sign up here for my new podcast “Life Lessons for Leaders,” that talks about modern and relevant leadership issues to enhance your leader development and practical experience. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
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Knowing May Not Be Learning
Sometimes we are gathering information more than we are actually learning. It’s important to know the difference. How do we know when we have truly learned something? Learning always produces change. This is a very powerful concept with a jewel at the end of the podcast.
Where We Are, and How We Got Here
If you’re interested in understanding where organizations are today and how leadership themes have changed, you will enjoy this podcast. While it does not go into a lot of detail, it will provide a general understanding of where we are today and a few of the important tools that modern leaders need to succeed.
Closing the Gap
Many of you have dreams or visions that you want to achieve. It’s usually something high and lofty. You look at your dream, and then you notice where you are right now. I call this your current reality, and your current reality is nowhere near your dream which is now looking quite impossible. This podcase is about how to close the gap between your dream and your current reality.
You Do You
People can always give you ideas, tips and suggestions. But the bottom line is, its your brand. Make sure whatever you do, is you because nobody has your authentic brand but you. Be you with all your heart.