The S-Curve – Time for Change
- Posted by - Coach Diana Dee
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Everything that lives goes through a cycle of life and growth. At some point, it must change if it is to survive. Survival is not dependent on its previous success.
The sigmoid curve, also known as the S-curve, is an interesting natural growth concept that applies to all living organisms, which would include organizations, animals, and even people and families.
As with the figure “S,” the living organism begins at inception and remains flatlined through its startup (the bottom of the S). There is not a great deal of growth as the organism gets off the ground.
If the organism survives its initial startup, growth begins and follows the upward pattern of the S shape. This is an exciting time for the organism because it represents growth and profits, and indicative of a certain level of success which varies from organism to organism. The variance depends on things e.g. the nature of the product, the quality of the service, the value of the investments, the soundness of the plan; and any variable that typically would affect profits.
At some point following the initial growth period, the organism begins to experience a flatlining where profits no longer increase. This is the top rung of the “S” curve which represents a level of maturity. When flatlining occurs, it means that the organism has missed the point where it should have innovated – or changed. Another way of saying it is that your product has perhaps run its course. For a person, it could mean that your knowledge or skill is no longer relevant, and you must acquire new knowledge or skills to remain relevant and effective.
To continue progressing and growing, it’s important to know where you are on the curve, and innovate by determining your next phase.
Coach Diana D. Williams
Taken from the Self Mastery Blog